
AP Training

RAPT Course (Recreational Action Pistol Training)

This course is designed to act as a probationary AP training program and runs two days. While there is some basic classroom training involved, emphasis is placed on practical learning and includes an actual AP match. Those that successfully complete the course will receive their CFI AP Holster Certification and have met the initial requirements for classification in the CFI AP Program.
Prerequisite: Valid RPAL


RAPT – RO (Range Officer)

This course is designed to teach individuals the fundamental requirements and responsibilities of acting as a Range Officer during a CFI Action Pistol Match. This course runs two days and places equal emphasis on classroom learning and range training. Those that have successfully completed this course will received the CFI AP RO designation and be capable of assisting the Chief RO during a CFI AP sectional, provincial or National tournament.
• Valid RPAL
• Must be an experienced Action Pistol Shooter
• Current CFI RO certification, equivalent qualification or experience.
• Valid First Aid Certificate preferred.


RAPT – Chief RO

This course is designed to teach existing CFI RAPT RO’s the specific duties and responsibilities of the Chief Range Officer during a CFI Action Pistol Match or Tournament. It is a two day course and emphasis is placed on classroom learning.
Individuals who successfully complete this course are eligible for appointment as CRO for CFI Sanctioned sectional, regional and provincial matches as well as the National Cup.
This course is eligible for on-line participation.
• Valid RPAL
• Current CFI RAPT RO certification.
• Valid First Aid Certificate preferred.

RAPT – Score (Qualified Scorer)

This course teaches individuals the basics of CFI AP Target scoring, penalties and specifics for each of the 17 COF as well as the use of allowed scoring equipment. It is taught over a two day period and includes a match.
This course is not currently eligible for on-line participation.

• Valid RPAL
• RAPT Course or equivalent
• Detail oriented


RAPT – STAT (Statistical Officer)

This course is designed to teach individuals the duties and responsibilities of a CFI AP Statistical Officer and is taught over a two-day period. Successful participants will receive the CFI AP STAT designation and be eligible to act as a Statistical Officer during CFI Sanctioned sectional, regional and provincial matches as well as the National Cup.
This course is eligible for on-line participation.
• Valid RPAL – recommended but not required
• RAPT Course or equivalent training
• RAPT Score
• Fundamental proficiency in MS Office and Excel
• Detail oriented


RAPT – MD (Match Director)

This course is designed to teach an individual how to run a successful match. It includes instruction on event preparation, CFI AP Rules, advertising, marketing, and people management. Successful candidates will be eligible to act as the Match Director during CFI Sanctioned sectional, regional and provincial matches as well as the National Cup. At times, individuals may be asked to travel on behalf of the CFI, acting as it’s official representative – as such they will be duly compensated for their time and expenses.
• Valid RPAL
• RAPT Score
• First Aid training preferred


RAPT – Official Referee

This is an extensive, in-depth course, designed to teach individuals the duties and responsibilities of acting as an Official Referee. The CFI Official Referee is not an administrative or operating official and is not responsible for the behavior or efficiency of either Range or Statistical Office personnel. It is the responsibility of the Referee to see that all Canadian Firearms Institute Rules are properly interpreted and applied.
This course is eligible for on-line participation. Successful candidates will be eligible to act as the Official Referee during CFI Sanctioned sectional, regional and provincial matches as well as the National Cup and will be able to demonstrate a complete understanding of the CFI AP Rules and Regulations. At times, individuals may be asked to travel on behalf of the CFI, acting as it’s official representative – as such they will be duly compensated for their time and expenses.
• Valid RPAL
• RAPT Score Certification
• RAPT Stat Certification
• RAPT CRO Certification
• RAPT MD Certification


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